Case Study
Transforming Managers into Leaders
Two of our leadership development experts, Helen Fosh and Rod Vincent, have recently completed a second cycle of the highly successful ‘Leadership Discovery’ programme for one of our major FMCG clients.
Background: The programme was first initiated 12 months ago when senior leaders in the finance function asked Human Qualities for help in developing their high potential managers across Europe. The brief was to create a powerful learning experience that would bring about a dramatic shift in development – transforming these managers into leaders. By creating a unique development opportunity and, by catching these individuals early on in their careers, the long term objective was to generate the business leaders of the future.
Approach: To achieve this outcome required more than conventional development.
The Human Qualities team developed an intense experiential event that involved a group of the managers coming together to tackle challenging business scenarios. Throughout the programme, they received in-depth feedback from our psychologists, senior leaders of the business and their colleagues. They were encouraged to use the feedback to experiment with behaviour and by the end of the programme had acquired a deep level of insight into their style and character as a leader, as well as embedding new leadership behaviours. The participants themselves had the job of producing their own feedback report, with support and coaching from the team of psychologists and business leaders. This then provided a springboard for planning for their ongoing development.
Outcomes: Eighteen managers have now been through the programme. Their experience has been linked back to their working lives through the involvement of their line managers and mentors. In a review of the business benefits eight months after the first group attended, managers reported sustained changes in behaviour and greater focus on their development.
Early signs show that the second programme will prove just as effective. Observing the latest group, the Senior Finance Manager sponsoring the event commented, “We witnessed a number of remarkable transformations as the week progressed”. Feedback from managers participating in the event also suggested a high level of enthusiasm and motivation e.g. “This is the most useful course I have ever had…!”, “A practical, engaging and inspiring course, great job”.
Success Factors: Helen Fosh of Human Qualities, one of the lead consultants for this project, said: “The success of this programme lies in the fact it goes beneath the surface in exploring personality and values to bring about lasting change for individuals; it is highly practical and applies leadership in a way that managers can relate to in their everyday lives. Primarily, it focuses on generating self-awareness and responsibility, essential elements for all developing leaders.”
Next steps: Following on from the success of the European programmes, Human Qualities has now been asked by the client to roll out the programme in two other global regions.
If you are interested in finding out more about how Human Qualities can support the development of your leadership talent, then please contact or or call us on +44 208 566 1661.