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Development of Top Executives


Following a series of organisational changes impacting on the roles and responsibilities of the senior team, the Managing Director of a growing media company was keen to gain a better understanding of the strengths and development needs of his key people.

Our Approach

Human Qualities worked closely with the Managing Director to identify a process that would be time-effective, constructive and suitable to the needs of this creative group of people. This resulted in the design and implementation of a process involving 360 o feedback, in conjunction with self-assessment of the individuals' style and motivators at work. Each member of the senior team received a one-to-one feedback session with a Human Qualities consultant, where they were given the opportunity to discuss their results in a neutral and confidential setting. This helped them to gain insight into their strengths and development needs, acting as a springboard for their development plans.

A written summary of each individual's feedback was provided to the Managing Director, along with a summary of themes emerging across the group as a whole.


The process identified some strengths as well as a number of key "gaps" in the skills base of the Top Team. On the basis of this, a programme of coaching skills training was initiated. The results also had implications in terms of the team dynamic. A workshop was run to share these findings with the group and facilitate enhanced team effectiveness. This has resulted in Human Qualities working with the organisation to implement competency frameworks and 360 o feedback throughout its management population.